Market Reports can be drilled down to Area, City and Neighbourhood parameters coinciding with how your local real estate board organizes its market data. To customize your report to either Area, City or Neighbourhood, follow these steps:
Choose Market Reports on the REable Hub menu.
Select a report style from the Market Reports gallery, or use the filters option to narrow down the styles based on your preferences.
Click on the report style you would like to work with. This will load a mockup of the report.
Click on the "Search Market Area" button.
Click on the "Location"
Type your desired Location in the Location box. You will notice that depending on what you type in, an Area, City or Neighbourhood indicator will appear.
Select the Location you wish to generate the report for.
Choose the Date you want to use.
Click Preview. A preview of your Market Report will be generated.
Click Share or Download to publish your report.
If you want to change the data manually click on "Change Market Report Data"
You may change the data Manually and click on Preview to update your market report.