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Market Report
Updated over a year ago

The Market Report feature in REable Hub is a powerful tool that can position you as the local market expert. It gives you the ability to publish current, up-to-date market stats derived from your real estate board data feed.

Here's how to generate your own Market Report.

  1. In the REable Hub menu, click on Market Reports.

  2. Browse the gallery of available Market Report templates, or choose Filters to select a specific type of report.

  3. You can also choose between Free and Premium reports, specific types of reports, and between single and multi-page reports.

  4. If you have a Custom Template, you can also choose that for your Market Report.

  5. Once you've selected a report, click on the report and click the "Editor" button.

  6. Choose the parameters of the report you want to publish.

    1. Click Market Filter to select the area and date.

    2. Choose the logo you want to appear.

    3. Select your headshot.

    4. Choose the colours for the report.

    5. Select the property type.

  7. Once your report parameters are finalized, click Share or Download depending on how you want to publish your report.

  8. Repeat the process to publish more Market Reports.

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